The sneaky little secret
for leaping ahead
all in 1 fell swoop
"But it's too easy!
It wouldn't be practical
to allow everyone access to this!"
It wouldn't be practical
to allow everyone access to this!"
Here's the secret
experts and gurus
I should hide from you
I have a dilemma. A huge dilemma.
I know many of the experts and gurus with all those popular books, course, seminars and blogs. Most of them are really nice people. They mean well. But much of what they're teaching you isn't worth a hill of beans.
I've silently watched them all these years. I haven't said a word in public about their teaching methods. But I just can't remain quiet any more.
People's lives are at stake. Their futures. Their jobs. Their careers. Their businesses. Their relationships. Their happiness.
I can't sit by and watch it any longer.
They've tried to silence me. They've tried to shut me down. And I can understand why. After all, if you know this secret, you won't need them any more.
But enough is enough. My responsibility is not to them. It is to you.
They keep telling us we must change. But the people who need to change and adapt most are the experts, teachers, trainers and gurus.
If they don't change how they teach you then, as Maria Montessori once said, "
New hope for
the individual strapped
for money or time
Are you strapped for time or capital or "skills" — but need to be great at any of these?
Do you need to
be far morecreative ? -
Do you need to
be faster withinnovation ? -
Do you need to
be a greatleader ? -
Do you need to
be great atrelationships ? -
Do you need to
be highly effective atgetting things done ? -
Do you need to
be great atinfluencing others ? -
Do you need to
feel far moreempowered ? -
Do you need to
gain far morerecognition ? -
Do you need to
be great atmotivating ? -
Do you need to
be great atcommunicating ? -
Do you need to
be great atlistening ? -
Do you need to
be far better atsolving problems ? -
Do you need to
be naturallyauthentic ? -
Do you need to
be a greatdecision maker ? -
Do you need to
be great atworking with difficult people ?
If you answered "yes" to
There's a way to leap ahead with a whole bunch of life skills. It's simple. It's swift. It's sweeping.
Get this. You don't need to read a whole bunch of books. You don't need to drown in a slew of blog posts. You don't need to attend a whole lot of classes or workshops.
That's how ordinary folks learn.
They learn list after list
To learn even one skill, they learn several lists.
Lists of rules. Lists of laws. Lists of techniques. Processes. Scripts. Procedures. Steps. Habits. Prescriptions. Too many lists!
With every book, every course, every blog post, they get inundated with more and more lists.
In a moment, I'll explain how this traditional method is at the root of what's
holding you back .
Rather than relying on a multitude of lists of "how-to" techniques, rules, laws, steps or procedures, Only
The net result is you need a whole lot less time, a whole lot less money, a whole lot less effort. And yet, you accomplish a whole lot more.
This Simple Chart
Explains Why Success
Avoids Most People(And How You Can Win … Despite The Odds)
This simple chart shows why real success remains elusive to the average individual … while others, neither as industrious nor as talented as you, collect all the success and all the recognition.
Let me explain how you can use this chart to capture uncommon advantages for yourself —
It's a scientific fact. The way most people learn today is, for all practical purposes, completely
Hermann Ebbinghaus proved this as far back as 1885.
What Ebbinghaus proved is that you forget practically everything you learn within 6 short days of learning it.
Now, what does all this mean to
It means that if you want to excel at any skill, you must
first make sure you're being taught it in a way that you willactually remember it .
But, how exactly do you do this?
With Only
This new learning technology is designed to be
But the real value of Only
1 List lies in the fact that it ramps you upsimultaneously acrossall the skills you need to attaintrue success, including innovation, leadership, positive mindset, motivation, selling, negotiating, influencing, time management, resilience, resourcefulness, charisma and igniting change —
To attain greatness in any skill,
you must throw out the methods
that keep ordinary people
stuck at ordinary
Take a close look at the individuals who are
Steve Jobs, for example, was
great at innovationand executionand sellingand presentationsand motivation."But he was a rare exception," you're probably thinking. Probably so. But take a look at
any individual you consider great and you'll find this is true again and again and again.The truth is
every great individual is a "rare exception." And Only1 List is your simplest, easiest and best path to becoming great — and that "rare exception" yourself.
Here's the simple reality. It's time you face it.
This simple slideshow demonstrates why. And it's just the tip of the iceberg —
What this means is, to be great at any skill, you need to learn a whole bunch of other related skills as well …
"But wait," you're probably thinking. "I barely have the time or budget to learn all the lists for just one skill."
That's where you're wrong. With Only
It's so simple
yet so brilliant
it makes you wonder
why no one
ever thought of it before
The "secret" behind Only
This the opposite of the traditional way where you learn one skill at a time, in bits and pieces. This method of learning is simply not enough. It
And the only way currently available to do so is Only
Nothing like this is being taught anywhere else.
Unlike traditional learning where you learn one skill at a time, Only
With the same time, effort and money it would take you to learn just one skill the traditional way, you can
And because Only
What this means is that as you master each new skill, your understanding — and your results — with all your other skills grow
This is simply not realistic with traditional learning.
Because the traditional way, with each new skill, you typically get more and more lists to remember — all of which you quickly forget.
This is how
And you
The big difference with Only
With each new skill, there's no new list. As a result, you ramp up quickly across all your skills.
This truly
It's so simple yet so brilliant, you'll marvel at why
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Tue, Jan 21st
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Most People are
Shallow Learners(But they don't realize it … How about you?)
The traditional way of learning makes you a shallow learner. You learn lots of lists, techniques, methods and recipes. But you gain a very shallow understanding of what you need to do.
What you need is to learn and understand deeply. And when you learn in this way, there are very few things to learn. Which allows you the time and effort to understand each of those very few things very deeply.
There are millions of methods … and then some. It's impossible to remember them all. And when you focus on learning or remembering so many methods, it's improbable you'll master any of them.
With Only
1 List, you focus on learning just a few things — the few things that sweep across all the skills you need to learn. With so little to learn, you quickly understand very deeply a whole bunch of skills.
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Tue, Jan 21st
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Conventional Wisdom
The Only
Here's why conventional wisdom may be doing you absolutely no good —
Wrong and Obsolete
Learn a whole
ton of lists.
1 ListLearn only
1 list.
Wrong and Obsolete
Every time you want to learn a new skill — or attempt something new or different — you must learn
even more lists. The lists justkeep increasing .
1 ListEvery time you want to learn a new skill — or attempt something new or different — you simply apply the same
1 list to the new skill.
Wrong and Obsolete
so many lists to remember, it's easy toquickly forget most of it. That's why you never really advance to new levels of success.
1 ListWith only
1 list, you can learn it all easily and quickly so it becomessecond-nature to you. And you advanceswiftly to new levels of success.
Wrong and Obsolete
so many lists, you are forced to makecompromises — and you never really masterall the skills you need.
1 ListWith only
1 list, you progressively get better and better andbetter at all the skills you need.
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Tue, Jan 21st
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Becoming great
is now easier than you thinkThe secret is not learning more and more lists.
But leveraging just1 list
to excel in more and more skills
Yes, it's true. Only
But … Let me emphasize right here that Only
Rather, Only
It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.
Bruce Lee
- The profound simplicity of Only
1 List is what makes you soversatile — allowing you to excel in personal situations, business situations, career situations, social situations. - The profound simplicity of Only
1 List is what makes you soswift — allowing it to quickly become a way of life. - The profound simplicity of Only
1 List is what gives you adeep understanding of all the people and situations you encounter — allowing you to respond almost immediately with grace and dignity to even the most unfamiliar situations.
As Leonardo da Vinci so famously said, "Simplicity is the
ultimate sophistication."
Pareto's Law
on Steroids
The profound simplicity of Only
You've heard of Pareto's Law — the 80/20 rule — where 20% of your efforts bring you 80% of your results.
The small difference
that makes all the difference
"But how can this be true?" you're probably wondering. "How can such a
Let me give you a simple example …
Even the
So, let's say you learn to tap your creativity. Take a look at this slideshow to see the ripples this creates through other aspects of your life.
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Tue, Jan 21st
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But …
Do you have the courage
to soar to the top of your game?
Quite frankly, despite its remarkable efficiency, Only
There are many people who
But, they
They make small things big. And they make simple things complex. They just don't have the desire or the
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.
E.F. Schumacker
They're not satisfied unless they have
They're stimulated by discussing all the intricacies of success rather than by
If you are this type of person, Only
What do Only
1 List people
have in common?
They have, more than anything else, an
They are practical-minded enough to understand: "If I want to
They are one in a thousand.
There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.
Warren Buffett
Next Session begins —
Tue, Jan 21st
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Special 75% DiscountBut do you qualify?
It has been designed to make you great in all the skills you need at work … and also, in all your responsibilities at home.
It takes you to the
It is ideal for entrepreneurs … individual contributors … professionals … leaders … those looking for new careers … and those looking to advance their existing careers.
It applies to life situations, business situations, relationship situations.
And now,
You qualify for the discount if you are
NOT a trainer, teacher, educator, author or speaker. If you qualify for the discount, you can register right here.If you are a trainer, teacher, educator, author or speaker, then you do not qualify for the discount. You pay the full, non-discounted price. Please contact us to get instructions on how to register. Please do not register below as such registrations will be rejected — less a 10% administrative charge.
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Tue, Jan 21st
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No Refunds,
No Money-Back Guarantees
We recognize that those who have such courage and commitment are rare. One in a thousand.
If you are that rare, one-in-a-thousand individual ready to move
We only want you if you don't respond to cheap come-on's. Only if you are
Accelerated Learning
that actually transforms into
substantial results
The Only
This is very important to your success. Because what it means is you respond
immediately andinstinctively to any situation — no matter how difficult, no matter how impossible, no matter how unfamiliar — withunruffled efficiency and effectiveness.
This is the
But how
You form a habit through constant practice. And that's precisely how Only
Traditional teaching methods — with its endless barrage of lists — have made things
And that marks the real difference between Only
Built into the Only
Every day — for the entire duration of your Program — you access a
There are only 7 ingredients in Only
Just review the daily-practice panel. Allow 5 minutes. But you might find it actually takes a fraction of that.
And let it inform everything you do during the day. That's it.
Then before you know it, these 7 ingredients of Only
In just 5 minutes a day,
you can make Only1 List
integral and intrinsic to
how you live your life
And the best part is not that you're becoming more proficient in more skills in a fraction of the time it took you before with the traditional methods. The best part is that you're actually having fun doing it.
Next Session begins —
Tue, Jan 21st
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For the price of just 1 …
Master 9 skills
and 9 best-sellerswith the Expert package
The process is
And as part of your Online Program, I will demonstrate how you can use you Only
Approximately every eight weeks, you will receive 1 example of how to mix-and-match the 7 ingredients to gain proficiency in a new skill.
For example, Leadership, Innovation, Teamwork, Time Management, Employee Engagement, Customer Service, Recruiting, Negotiating, Strategy. I will show you how the same
Next thing you know, you'll be mixing-and-matching these same 7 ingredients on your own to become proficient in more skills than you can imagine.
The Shocking Truth
about Most Books,
Courses and Blogs
Here's what experts, gurus and pundits are hoping you never discover.
Almost every book, course or blog drowns you in
Most of it will send you on a wild-goose chase : That's because it isin correct,in complete orin consequential. -
Very little is truly relevant to you : And what is relevant can be squeezed down to only1 list.
The conventional view that you need more and more and
All this becomes really clear when you look at the situation at a
Let's say you want to become the next Steve Jobs (and it's quite okay, if this is not your goal, but bear with me for a moment).
Do you know how many books there are addressing this single subject? A few thousand — each of them with its own list .
Steve Jobs' biography by Walter Isaacson alone is 656 pages long. Isaacson's article on the "The Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs" in the Harvard Business Review lists — count 'em — 14 bullets .
Do you see how ridiculous and even hopeless this situation is?
Let me show you how you can use Only
Probably the most controversial,
but also the simplest,
the swiftest,
and the most useful
learning program ever
If you've ever said to yourself, "There must be a better way," you're right. There is …
As part of your Only
I will show you how to
So that you
focus on what's truly relevant to your success, rather than get lost in a wild-goose chase. -
So that you
actually remember what's truly relevant to your success. -
So that it swiftly becomes
second-nature to you.
Before you know it, you're gaining a
And you're wondering why you