
Shocking Truth






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Most of these books and courses
simply don't work.

A startling number of them
hold you back.

These awful statistics tell you the whole story …


Over 70,000 books.
Yet only 9% of managers believe their leaders have the skills to lead their organizations into the future   


Over 80,000 books.
Yet the average relationship now lasts just 2 years 9 months … and loneliness is at epidemic levels      


Over 50,000 books.
Yet only 6% of managers are satisfied with their innovation performance and lack clarity on how to improve it   

Customer Svc

Over 20,000 books.
Yet 56% customers say they won't return to a business because of their poor customer service   

Empl Engagement

Over 2,000 books.
Yet employee engagement is now at a record low of 31% … and has never been higher than 38%   


Over 80,000 books.
Yet happiness has dipped to a five-decade low — with only 14% very happy   

Ask yourself this …

Why don't
authors, speakers, gurus
experts and thought leaders
want you to know
these facts?

Information without Transformation is an Abomination

So many gurus … "experts" … authors … speakers … bloggers … "thought leaders" …

So many books … blogs … reports … courses … workshops … conferences … seminars … newsletters …

Where are the results?

Where is the transformation that should follow all this information?

Why are so many strugglingstuckfrustrated?

Because they're teaching you the wrong things in the wrong way.

Why are they still teaching you
the wrong things
in the wrong way?

Those who become extraordinary learn different things

and they learn those different things differently

Why NEVER to let them teach you
the wrong things

No Technique

Traditional gurus, experts, authors and speakers teach you techniques, best practices, methods, scripts, manuals and recipes.

But … Super achievers avoid techniques, methods, rules, laws and best practices like the plague.

For example:

Fujio Cho, Past President, Honorary Chairman, Toyota: No mere technique will transform an ordinary performer into a superstar.
Steve Jobs Founder, CEO, Apple: We don't think, 'Let's be innovative! Let's take a class! Here are the five rules of innovation, let's put them up all over the company!' When told most people do exactly that, he scoffed — Painful to watch!

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Why NEVER to let them teach you
in the wrong way

Once you understand what the extraordinary already understand, you'll never learn the same way ever again …


Kahlil Gibran: The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your own wisdom.

NEVER learn from those who teach you their wisdom … SEEK out those who guide you to raise your wisdom

Maria Montessori: The greatest sign of success for a teacher … is to be able to say, "The students are now working as if I did not exist."

NEVER learn from those who teach you their wisdom so they can keep selling you more books and more courses

Harrington Emerson: As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.

NEVER learn from those who teach you methods, techniques or recipes (which are nothing but their wisdom)… SEEK out those who teach you principles and thus, raise your wisdom

Jim Collins: [Extraordinary people] do not look to what other people do, or to what pundits and experts say they should do. They look primarily to empirical evidence.

NEVER learn from "experts" who teach you what others do (e.g. "best practices") … SEEK out those who guide you to see the empirical evidence

Elon Musk: Boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there.

SEEK out those who guide you to reason up from principles (empirical, fundamental truths)

Most people won’t grasp this
until it’s too late.
How about you?

Learning principles rather than methods goes against the grain of what you've heard all your life from your friends, your family, your co-workers, your peers, your associates.

But ask yourself this: How many of them are great at anything?

Only1List Tree
Stephen R. Covey: We can only achieve quantum improvements in our lives if we quit hacking at the leaves of attitude and behavior and get to work on the root, the paradigms from which our attitudes and behaviors flow.

NEVER learn from those who teach you attitudes (what to think) and behaviors (what to do or what to say) … SEEK out those whose mission is to focus you on the root principles.


The Hidden Danger of
methods, rules, laws, habits
tricks, techniques
recipes and "best" practices

Yes, methods, techniques and recipes appear to be easier than principles. But here's why they are so dangerous to your wealth, success and happiness …


Jeff Bezos: Any plan won't survive its first encounter with reality. The reality will always be different. It will never be the plan.

In the same way, methods, techniques and recipes never work out as planned. In the real world, the situation is always different

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying.

When you use techniques, others easily see past your words and actions to the real you. And they see you as inauthentic, even manipulative.

Harrington Emerson: The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods.

When you start with fundamental principles, the specific method or technique doesn't really matter because everything else tends to fall into place.

No wonder Harrington Emerson added this:

The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.

Ask yourself:

Why haven't your gurus, mentors, experts or "thought leaders" told you this?

Why are they leading you to sure trouble?

The Death of
the $360 billion Guru Industry

The shift from millions of methods, techniques and rules … to a few principles and fundamental truths is the beginning of the end of the $360 billion Education & Training Industry (aka the Guru Industry).


Because you don't need millions of methods. Just a few principles and you can be hundred times more effective.

People everywhere are finally realizing that you don't need to drown in more and more — more books, more rules, more courses, more conferences.

They are realizing that, when you focus on principles, you can learn less while winning more.

A revolution is already underway. Will you be part of the revolution? Or, will you be left behind?

How to
Gain an almost
Unfair Advantage

Learning too much?

This simple shift from methods to underlying principles imparts such leverage that you can accomplish more in one single week than most people accomplish in an entire year.

In fact, people have been using this principle-focused approach for hundreds of years to gain an unfair advantage … in everything from cooking to sports to engineering.

For example, cooking …

Most cooks turn to recipes — and there are thousands and thousands even millions of recipes. Sound familiar?

And yet, you probably know someone who is an absolute wizard in the kitchen. They never touch any recipe. They rely on their understanding of the ingredients. And ingredients are a very small, teeny fraction of the walloping number of recipes. Sound familiar?

And these wizards simply leverage their understanding of these few ingredients to easily whip up mind-blowing, flavorful meals even when the fridge is quite bare — a situation that stumps ordinary cooks.

And they keep cranking out one delicious meal after another, never needing any new technique or recipe. They're just that good at throwing together the same few ingredients … each time in unexpected, different ways.

Without a doubt, cooks who grasp ingredients have an unfair advantage over cooks who slog through recipes, methods and techniques.

How to
Leverage Your Learning

In the same way, to gain an unfair advantage in your field, you don't need a whole bunch of methods, techniques, rules or practices. You don't need a new book or course or blog. You don't need a new teacher or new guru or new "expert."

You simply need to understand just 1 short list of a few underlying principles and fundamental truths … and learn to leverage this same 1 list in every new situation and with every new skill — and, before you know it, you become like that wizard, excelling in situations that stump most people.

the old way

Only1List way

Most people fumble in new situations. They fumble when using a skill they've never tried before. They fumble when they're rusty on a skill they haven't used in a while.

And when they fumble, off they go, scurrying for more and more information.

On the flip side …

When you focus on principles, the whole game changes.

You simply leverage the same few principles. You gain an unfair advantage … as you ramp up faster and faster and faster across multiple skills like these —

@ Home

Make a Difference Be Super Effective Be an Attentive Listener Be Super Organized Live a Healthy Life Enjoy Tremendous Relationships Have Great Friends Influence Others Build Self Confidence Have Great Friends Get Super Motivated Forge Great Friendships Conquer Procrastination Change the World

@ Work

Gain Recognition Have Team Loyalty Be Effective with Feedback Be High Performance Get Things Done Make Things Happen Enjoy Customer Engagement Be a Great Communicator Ignite Collaboration Be Effective Negotiator Be Known for Innovation Be Naturally Charismatic Get a Standing Ovation Make a Dent in the World

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From overwhelming complexity
to elegant simplicity


But where do you learn principles rather than methods, techniques, rules and best practices?

Where do you learn how to reason up on your own from principle and fundamental truths?

Through an amazing breakthrough called, appropriately, Only1List.

Only1List represents such a major breakthrough because it sharply reduces the time, money and effort required to achieving great success.

Now, you can finally move up from overwhelming complexity to elegant simplicity.

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Escape the tyranny
of endless information!

Would you like to see for yourself how this amazing discovery saves you a ton of time, a ton of money, and a ton of effort? If so, click here to use the Savings Calculator and see for yourself.

Principles are the simplicity on the far side of complexity Stephen R. Covey


This new breakthrough works too fast.
Leaves traditional methods of learning in the dust

Ramping up with Only1List is probably too fast. You start with 1 list. Practice each of its 7 ingredients for just 5 minutes a day — until it becomes a way of life for you. And devote just about 60 minutes each week to mixing these 7 ingredients in a slightly different way for a new skill — until you can do it on your own with any new skill. And you're ready!

77,196 people can't be wrong

Only1List has its roots in the discovery 23 years ago that what separates those who attain consistent success from those who continually struggle is just 7 simple principles … and not millions of methods and techniques.

Since then, 77,196 individuals have trained themselves with these principles.

For a sample of their enthusiasm, go here.

Many of them have been representatives from internationally-known companies such as these:

Do YOU have the courage
to be great?

Yes, it does takes courage to go against the grain. Do you have the courage?

Do you have the courage to throw out the methods, techniques, rules, laws and best practices that unremarkably average people use every day?

If you don't have the courage, your future is already decided: You will be "painful to watch," as Steve Jobs scoffed.

Steve Jobs also said this. About simplicity — Once you get there, you can move mountains.

As information continues to grow exponentially, the future will belong to those who embrace the underlying, elegant simplicity. They will be the ones who move mountains.

Do you want to move mountains? Or do you want to be "painful to watch"? The choice is yours!